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Bentley Ag Society honors its long time volunteers

A good attendance of over 40 people was at the Bentley & District Agricultural Society's annual general meeting

A good attendance of over 40 people was at the Bentley & District Agricultural Society's annual general meeting in the Blindman Valley Ag Centre (BVAC) hall they operate.

The evening started off with cocktails and a great supper catered by All Occasions Catering (Chelsey McCallum) from the Forshee area.

High school student Chris Robie and his mother attended.  Chris gave an overview of his Encounters With Canada Ottawa trip that the Ag Society had sponsored for him.

At this year's meeting there was an induction of honorary lifetime members.

Ag Society president Joan Dickau spoke of the many years and countless hours of volunteer work this year's four recipients had devoted to the Ag Society and its events. In attendance to accept their plaque and certificate were Chloe Ree and Merlyn Wilson. Unable to attend were Paul and June Norvila who will receive their awards at a later date.

A large plaque with their names inscribed will be hung on the wall in the hall and will be added to each year someone is nominated.

A plague is also going to be hung honoring people involved in the actual building and start up of the hall.

Attendees had a chance to see the augmented hall kitchen that now contains full dishwashing facilities and a commercial stove, and is government inspected.

"Everyone was pleased with the renovations done in the kitchen, including the caterers. We were able to cover the complete cost of the upgrade with federal and provincial grants, and donations and fundraising," says Dickau.

A kitchen renovations financial report showed it came in under budget by over $1,300 so the surplus will be used to purchase more dishwasher chemicals.

Sub-committee reports were given covering the BVAC and the Bentley Farmer's Market, from the Bentley Rodeo committee and the RevMasters Car show, as well as how the bench show and drive-in movie went during the fair.

The Ag Society is developing their own policy manual with guidelines for operating the society and the BVAC hall.

Director Jennifer Johnson spoke about the Canada’s Farmers Grow Communities Program $2,500 Monsanto grant she had applied for and received for the Ag Society to help with the kitchen in the Ag hall.

Executive for the coming year is president Jeremy Park, 1st Vice-President James Taylor, 2nd Vice-President Kyle Brink, Secretary Kathleen van Dam, Treasurer Stephanie Smith and Past-President Joan Dickau.

Ag Society directors are Greg Beavis, JoAnn Butcher, Albert Goldade, Dwayne Johnson, Jennifer Johnson, Georgina Miskey, Rick Park, Kyle Rose, Stacey Rumohr, Keith Stephenson, and Vicki Spycher.