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Finally, a reader responds to defend Conservative actions re: conscientious objectors

Dear Editor; I realize that the editorial is a place for you to express your opinions, but last week’s seems further from reality than normal.

Dear Editor;

I realize that the editorial is a place for you to express your opinions, but last week’s seems further from reality than normal.

First of all, why are you bemoaning the fact that our country is no longer “cool”? It is my hope that our leaders will make decisions based on what is just, what protects our economy, and what keeps us safe, who cares about “cool”. But maybe I feel this way because I was not here for the ‘60s and ‘70s.

I was also confused by you saying that the Opposition Party members are our real Members of Parliament, insinuating that the Conservative members are not real.

I guess that I did not realize that to be a “real” Member of Parliament you must not only be elected, but also vote in a way approved by our dear editor.

Regarding the “conscientious objectors” that the piece was about, let’s remember that these men and women volunteered to serve in the military. There was no draft. They cashed their cheques, took their free education and when they were told to go to war, they ran.

If they had stayed to face the music I could respect that this was truly an act of conscience. But they ran from their obligations and the law.

I think that we still call people who break the law criminals; we have enough of those, let’s send them back home.

Derek Peacock
