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“Mr. Prime Minister why do you think you deserve... a majority government,” asks submitter

The Prime Minister has threatened to call an election whining, “I don’t want to govern over a dysfunctional government”. Okay, then call an election and explain why you could not run a respectable Parliament.

Dear Editor;

The Prime Minister has threatened to call an election whining, “I don’t want to govern over a dysfunctional government”. Okay, then call an election and explain why you could not run a respectable Parliament.

We know the Liberals gave you a free legislative hand to do what you wanted; so we know they are not the problem.

Maybe you want to explain to Canadians why you produced a 200-page handbook for your own Conservative MPs telling them how to obstruct, bully, and otherwise make parliamentary committees…well, dysfunctional. Your team did exactly what you asked them to. They have, as you now admit, made Parliament dysfunctional.

Mr. Prime Minister why do think you deserve a promotion to a majority government when you have utterly failed to run a respectable minority government?

Eugene Parks

Victoria, B.C.