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Wellness centre for cancer patients in process of becoming reality

A group of determined people from Sylvan Lake are working diligently behind the scenes to create a holistic wellness centre.

A group of determined people from Sylvan Lake who share a goal of increasing support for individuals and families affected by cancer, are working diligently behind the scenes to create a holistic wellness centre for Central Alberta.

The centre is to be set up in Red Deer.

“We want to enhance and complement services already in place, that help cancer patients,” said Debbie Oostinde from Sylvan Lake, who spearheaded the project and is chairing the organizing committee.

“There are a great many cancer patients in Central Alberta and we want to provide a comprehensive range of supports, resources and programs to improve the quality of the life of each individual without having the added stress of having to travel,” she added.

The group, based in Sylvan Lake, is hoping to become an affiliate of wellspring.

Wellspring has a proven record of 20 years of operation in Eastern Canada.

In 2007 Calgary’s affiliate opened its doors and Edmonton is set to open in the next few months.

Wellspring centres offer a daily menu of yoga, dietary workshops, cancer information sessions, support groups for unique cancers, counseling services, and much more.

Ian OostindIe, who has supported his wife Debbie through her own cancer journey agrees such a centre is very much needed in this area.

“Too often those who find out they or their family or friends have cancer are hit hard with the news and need immediate support. Wellness centers can be a major support for people with cancer, right from the time when they receive the initial shock of the diagnosis onward,” he said.

“I am excited to be a part of developing this project, as the centre will greatly enhance the jour- ney through cancer for patients and their families,” said Robin Nicholas, a RN at the Central Alberta Cancer Center.

“Having a cancer support services centre will provide a safe environment to address the individual physical, emotional and spiritual needs of cancer patients and their families”

“This centre is so needed among the cancer Care community. Like people with similar struggles, having an outlet to find encouragement and support during their journey through Cancer.”

To help make a holistic cancer wellness centre become a reality in central Alberta, more volunteers as well as corporate and individual sponsors are very much needed. Input, financial support and volunteer time will all be gratefully accepted.

For more information please contact Debbie at: WELLSPRINGCAPROJECT@GMAIL.COM or on Facebook: WELLSPRING CENTRAL ALBERTA PROJECT