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Canada Day 2008 quotes: Part II

When I’m in Canada, I feel this is what the world should be like. - Jane Fonda Canada is a place of infinite promise. We like the people, and if one ever had to emigrate, this would be the destination, not the USA. The hills, lakes and forests make it a place of peace and repose of the mind, such as one never finds in the USA. - John Maynard Keynes

When I’m in Canada, I feel this is what the world should be like.

- Jane Fonda

Canada is a place of infinite promise. We like the people, and if one ever had to emigrate, this would be the destination, not the USA. The hills, lakes and forests make it a place of peace and repose of the mind, such as one never finds in the USA.

- John Maynard Keynes

You Canadians have given us such hope to carry on. We admire your bravery. You are the neighbour of such a rich, powerful country, and yet you don’t mind clashing with them. Well, that gives us more confidence.

- Pedro Gutierrez

I am deeply moved by the warmth and courage of the Canadian people which I felt so strongly during my recent visit to your country. Your support of the struggle against apartheid restored me in my journey home and reassured me that many just people around the world are with us.

- Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Canada is probably the most free country in the world where a man still has room to breathe, to spread out, to move forward, to move out, an open country with an open frontier. Canada has created harmony and cooperation among ethnic groups, and it must take this experience to the world because there is yet to be such an example of harmony and cooperation among ethnic groups.

- Valentyn Moroz

Canada is one of the planet’s most comfortable, and caring, societies. The United Nations Human Development Index cited the country as the most desirable place in the world to live. This year a World Bank study named Canada the globe’s second wealthiest society after Australia.

- Time magazine

Many Canadian nationalists harbour the bizarre fear that should we ever reject royalty, we would instantly mutate into Americans, as though the Canadian sense of self is so frail and delicate a bud, that the only thing stopping it from being swallowed whole by the US is an English lady in a funny hat.

- Will Ferguson

We have it all. We have great diversity of people, we have a wonderful land, and we have great possibilities. So all those things combined there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.

- Bob Rae

You look at the history -- the aboriginal people welcomed the first settlers here with open arms, fed us and took care of us ... that continues today, we welcome people from all nations to come in and share.

- Peter Stoffer

We are tremendously proud of our cultures, heritage and achievements and we will continue to break new ground. I am proud to be a Canadian and I hope you are too.

- Philip K. Lee

I always thought of this as God’s country.

- Jack Granatstein

As far as I’m concerned, I wouldn’t want to go to any other country. It’s good enough here.

- Orviel Kruse

Canada is a country whose main exports are hockey players and cold fronts. Our main imports are baseball players and acid rain.

- Pierre Trudeau

We shall be Canadians first, foremost, and always, and our policies will be decided in Canada and not dictated by any other country.

- John G. Diefenbaker

If you don’t think that your country should come before yourself, you can better serve your country by livin’ someplace else.

- Stompin’ Tom Connors

For many years Canada has held an obscure place among the countries of the globe. Our borders have been pictured as the abode of perpetual snows, and our people as indifferent, easy-going, indolent. But change is taking place.

- Charles R. Tuttle

Canadians, like their historians, have spent too much time remembering conflicts, crises, and failures. They forgot the great, quiet continuity of life in a vast and generous land. A cautious people learns from its past; a sensible people can face its future. Canadians, on the whole, are both.

- Desmond Morton

Canadians don’t have a very big political lever, we’re nice guys.

- Paul Henderson

The spineless pussy willows in Ottawa are actually helping to condition the Canadian public to accept the surrender of our country, which American forces were unable to accomplish in 1776 and 1812.

- Paul Hellyer

Give your head a shake. This is the greatest country in the world.

- Curtis Sanderson

Under this flag may our youth find new inspiration for loyalty to Canada; for a patriotism based not on any mean or narrow nationalism, but on the deep and equal pride that all Canadians will feel for every part of this good land.

- Lester Pearson

It’s never felt more Canadian to be Canadian than it does now.

- Douglas Coupland

Canadian pride may not rest on our sleeves, but it resides deeply in our hearts.

- Steve Miller

I wouldn’t let someone take my Canadian citizenship from me for anything.

- Jim Kale

A Canadian is someone who knows how to make love in a canoe.

- Pierre Berton

Let us be French, let us be English, but most importantly let us be Canadian!

- John A. Macdonald

A Canadian is merely an unarmed American with health care.

- John Wing

Some Americans ruin it for other Americans. You know these Americans: “Oh, we’re the best country on earth, and we do this better, and we do that better, and we’re better at this than anybody else. Why does anyone want to kill us?” I don’t understand. Cause Canadians, we’re not like that. We’re better than that.

- Glen Foster

Canada is like your attic, you forget that it’s up there, but when you go, it’s like “Oh man, look at all this great stuff!”

- Unknown

Canadian girls are so pretty it’s a relief now and then to see a plain one.

- Mark Twain

Above everything, we are Canadian.

- Sir George Etienne Cartier

Canada is like a bird, it likes to soar freely.

- Unknown