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Only in Alberta you say? What a pity. (Except for the last one!)

Frontier, vigilante-style justice has no place in Canada – even in Alberta

100-mile challenge a natural fit for central Albertans

Has Rimbey outgrown itself?

The time has come for an outright ban on dog breeding for profit, but don’t expect government help

Letter From The Editor

Don’t take my word for it folks – there are plenty others who think the exact same way

Now that the political situation in Canada is back on the front burner – like it’s been anywhere else in the past few months!, it’s starting to come to light that Page 4 of the Rimbey Review isn’t the only place where you’ll find columns pointing out the woeful situation regarding the lack of leadership in this province and/or country.

Barack Obama: a ray of light for responsible, effective government


At least some jobs will be saved on the Canadian taxpayer’s nickel; too bad they’re not in Canada

You’ve read the question “you can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?” a number of times on this page over the past 18 months or so, and basically it suggests you can blab all you like, but until you step up to the plate and actually do something, you may as well just button it because if you don’t, you’ll risk end up looking ridiculous.

“Hey mister, nice cowboy boots. What are they made of?”

A few years ago while watching television, I happened to come across a show featuring a number of stand-up comics who despite using a whole bunch of bad words in their routine, turned out to be quite funny and entertaining, especially one in particular.