The Bluffton, Rimbey, and Winfield Clubs held their club and interclub show which culminated in the sale at 7 p.m. the evening of Monday, May 11. Sekura Livestock Ltd. conducted the sale with volunteer auctioneers Dean Edge, Allen B. Olson, Cory Sekura, and Terry Sargeant.
On the Sunday afternoon of May 11, (Mother’s Day) the clubs had their individual club achievement day in the Rimbey Agriplex building. The confirmation judge for the day was Rob Young of Breton; with Rob’s wife, Dee, judging showmanship and grooming. Former Rimbey club member Erika Trenson was announcer for the day. Ring master was former Bluffton member Jill Tennant. Linda Edge presented the ribbons on both Sunday and Monday. Each individual club participated in confirmation and grooming and showmanship classes with their steers, heifers, and cow/calf pairs.
Interclub events such as interclub judging of finished steers, pen of three steers and pen of 3 heifers as well interclub Breeder’s Group was also held on the Sunday.
The rest of the interclub portion of the show was held on Monday. Grant Hirsche from High River was the confirmation judge. Samantha Sperber, former 4-H member from the Crestomere area, was our showmanship and grooming judge for the Monday. Melissa VanSickle, former Bluffton Club member, handled the ring master duties with former Rimbey member, Cassidy Valstar announcing the classes and winners. Rose Grutterink and Teri Ormberg helped with the clerking duties for both days.
In the morning was the team grooming competition where 4 teams of 2 junior members and 6 teams of senior members had 15 minutes to prepare a member’s calf for the ring.
The highlight of the end of the morning show were the 12 cute “Cleaver Kids” from the Winfield and Bluffton clubs who showed their adorable 2014 baby calves. These are 6-8 year old beginning their 4-H membership by participating at club events to learn the basics of 4-H. In the evening they were presented with bags supplied by Genetic Ventures.
Heifers were first in the ring with all 3 clubs showing their heifers based on their date of birth. Next were the cow calf pairs. The steers were divided into 8 classes by weight with the top 2 steers from each class going into the championship class. Market steers weighed from 897 to 1557 pounds.
New to the 4-H show this year was the marketing class. With a separate marketing question for the juniors, intermediates and seniors, the members made an oral presentation judged by Dale and Elaine Van Sickle.
The carcass group of steers with 16 members participating were judged on April 29 at the Skeels farm and then graded and marked at Family Meats in Ponoka meats which the members viewed on May 7th. Results were announced on the Sunday.