About thirty people attended the Bentley & District Agricultural Society’s annual general meeting on January 8.
In the past, the annual meeting had been held in November, but this year the meeting was changed to January to facilitate an audited financial statement.
Chairman Jeremy Park gave a welcome and Jennifer Johnson said grace.
The meal was again catered by Chelsey McCullum of All Occasions Catering from the Forshee area.
Bentley high school student Victoria Pacholko gave a power point presentation and reported on her trip to Ottawa for ‘Encounters With Canada’ which the ag society had sponsored her for.
Subcommittee reports were given, and some events are to be expanded for the town's centennial next year. Some like the RevMasters Car Club and the rodeo committee also reported having given financial donations to help other groups/organizations.
Head convener of bench shows, Joan Dickau, reported they think they have a sewing/stitchery convener for the coming year's fair so that category will be back to join culinary, art, horticulture, handicrafts and school exhibits this year. Sewing was excluded last year.
This year more honorary life members were named. Ken and Lynn Brown and Leslie Garries were acknowledged for their volunteer work with the ag society. Their names will now appear on the perpetual plaque alongside last year’s recipients, Merlyn Wilson, Paul and June Norvila, and Chloe Ree.
A new secretary and director were added. Long time board member Albert Goldade resigned after being a past treasurer and a director for many years.
Executive for the coming year are president Jeremy Park, first vice president, James Taylor, second vice president, Kyle Brink, secretary, Stacey Rumohr, treasurer, Stephanie Smith and past-president Joan Dickau.
Ag Society directors are Greg Beavis, Janis Bickford, JoAnn Butcher, Dwayne Johnson, Jennifer Johnson, Georgina Miskey, Nicole Morton, Rick Park, Kyle Rose, Keith Stephenson, Vicki Spycher, and Kathleen van Dam.
The hall board is looking for a new hall manager to handle bookings, show the hall to perspective renters and to do final inspections. Anyone interested may contact one of the executive. Janitorial staff for the hall is in place.