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Blindman Valley 4H Beef Club report

A busy ending to the 4-H year! On May 3 we had our highway clean-up.
Blindman Valley 4-H Club finishes off a busy

By Steven Jaffray

A busy ending to the 4-H year!

On May 3 we had our highway clean-up. Our club did Highway 12 from the Bentley intersection to the Wooden Shoe. Thank you to Randy, Alexis and Joel Screpnik, Reese Pollitt, Stacy and Bev from Servus Credit Union and Reeve Corbeil for coming out and picking garbage with us.

On May 4 we had the Lacombe Ag ground clean-up. We painted inside the barns, pulled out some nails and staples and did some hammering. On May 9 we went to the Ag grounds to decorate our barn. This year’s barn decorating theme was Duck Dynasty. On May 11 we had our district heifer day. Our club didn’t have any heifers to show but we came to support the other clubs and help show other club members cow/calf pairs.

The biggest event of the 4-H year was our 4-H show and sale. All of us came with our projects to show off in the morning and in the evening we sold our calves.

Marlee Jaffray’s calf was the Grand Champion in our club and Peter Mueller came in for Reserve Champion. For the carcasses Peter Mueller was the Home Grown Grand champion, Blake Vert came in for Reserve Champion and Montana Millar was the Open Class Reserve Champion. Blake was the Junior Showmanship champion and Marlee came in for Reserve. Quinn won the Showmanship for Intermediate. Peter won Showmanship for Seniors and Montana came in for Reserve Showmanship for our club.

All of us would like say thank-you our buyers and sponsorships of our steers and carcasses. Montana Millar’s buyer for carcass was KGM Electrical Contracting and Little Acres Auto Body Repair Shop and the buyer for her steer was First Rate Energy Services. Peter Mueller’s buyer for his carcass was Larry Snow Trucking and Eric and Angie Raabis and his steer buyer was Downton’s Oilfield Services. Thomas Mueller’s carcass buyer was Bentley Agencies and his steer buyer was Chris McIsaac. Blake Vert’s carcass buyer was Erin and Jeff Vert and his Steer buyer Was Crossfire Directional Drilling. Marlee Jaffray’s buyer was Jim Dixon from Nova Chemicals. Quinn Millar’s buyer was Joco trucking, Reese Millar’s buyer was Davron Trucking and Steven Jaffray’s buyer was Ray’s Grader Service.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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