April showers bring May flowers, and also the annual highway garbage clean-up.
May 2 was the big day this year. Once again 4H clubs from across Alberta along with many other service clubs were out cleaning out our ditches. The Crestomere 4H Multi-club was out in full force, 45 members and parents braved the wind and cleaned a 15km stretch.
We found many disgusting items: carcasses and diapers topped the list. Most often found items were empty cigarette packages, Tim Horton’s cups, lots of fast food garbage and so many strange pieces of cardboard; it is amazing how many items are carelessly tossed.
Amongst the unwanted items a few treasures were discovered like an iphone and amazingly, money! A five dollar bill, a ten dollar bill and a hundred dollar bill, this was a huge surprise. These treasures along the way motivate us to bend down and get our hands dirty again next year. My mom says this is good for us and builds character.
All I felt afterwards was tired and dirty.
4H is starting to wrap up its 2014-15 year.
Feel free to come to Crestomere School on what we have been work- May 23rd at noon to see ing on all year.