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Rimbey 4-H news

The Rimbey 4-H Club has had a busy couple of months.

Darci and Zach Kendrew

The Rimbey 4-H Club has had a busy couple of months. We had our annual farm tour to see everyone’s calves. They are all looking great.

We ended our day at the Buist farm for donuts and juice. Thank you, Buists.

We also had Andrew Reeleder come to teach us some calf judging skills. That was a great help for us because Zach and I don’t know much about cows.

We also had our speech day. It was a very long and scary day. Everyone did real well. Out top winners were Darien Levey and Jenna Simpson for juniors, Kyle and Jordyn Valstar for intermediate and Amy Trenson and Melissa Waldron for seniors. Congratulations.

Thanks to all our judges for donating your time to help us out.

Also as a reminder our show and sale is coming up. Make sure to mark your calendars for May 11-12. We’ve all worked hard so come take a look and show your support.


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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