I love living in Alberta, but it’s a little too cold in the winter here. I’m all for enjoying the seasons in Canada, with my favourite being Fall, but the winter here is pretty extreme and it seems to have been getting worse every year. Being from Ontario and of course experiencing winter there, I’m used to the cold, or so I thought. It’s that wind chill that gets me.
I’m also more of a summer girl, who loves to lay out on the beach and enjoy the sunshine. Being a redhead though can be tricky in the heat, as I can get quite the burns. I can’t win can I?
My husband and I always dream of having a second home in another part of Canada where it’s warmer in the winter, but where to? There is no such thing unless you want to may a pretty penny to live in B.C. We’ve lived on Vancouver Island before, renting a home, and it has it’s downfalls there too, like the huge amount of rainy days, but I will take the rain over the snow any day, although it can get quite repetitive. I remember being able to hike in February. It was wild! When it snowed there, it was pretty rare. It was also very dangerous, as it’s not something people are used to, so the roads were slick and people were all over the place.
I’ve also lived in Nova Scotia, as I attended university out there, and I have to say, the weather is pretty extreme there too. Nothing beats the wind on the east coast, except maybe Lethbridge. I will never forget the time I walked uphill in high heels with some of my friends while downtown Halifax. At the time we left, there was no snow, but things changed drastically when we wanted to head home. As it was too late to take the bus, we decided to walk back, mostly uphill in our high heels with snow blowing at our faces. It was quite the memory. I’ve also had to hold onto a light pole as the wind was so bad it just about knocked me right over.
When I was really little I lived on a house boat in Florida with my parents and sister, but I don’t remember too much. All I remember is that I used to go back and forth from Ontario to Florida a lot as I had and still have lots of family out there. I remember being there when I was a bit older in the summer time trying to sit on the black leather seat of our car with shorts. That one hurt. Would I live in the United States? Maybe. It’s definitely crossed my mind as a lot of my family still lives there. I think for now I will just visit out there. The goal is to go to Disney World when our one boy is a bit older. We want him to remember his time there and be old enough to go on a lot of the rides.
So, I guess the grass is always greener when it comes to where to live in the winter. Maybe I’ll just hunker down and not leave the house until Spring. Kidding. I’m someone who has to get outside. I like adventure, so maybe take up some snowboarding or building some good old fashioned snowmen with my kids, as long as it isn’t -40.