My beautiful boy is three today. It’s been quite an adventurous three years with him on the planet and I love watching him grow. Every day is an adventure when you have kids and I’m so lucky I’m able to be a stay-at-home mom.
Born on Feb. 21 in a quick labour and even faster delivery, Logan came into the world, and it has been an adventure from day one. He was really due in mid March, so came into the world almost a month early. As a new mom I got quite the surprise, as we didn’t even have our hospital bag packed. We were definitely unprepared for his very early arrival.
Because he was early, he had to spend a few days in the NICU to monitor his breathing and make sure all was good, and I’m so grateful to all of the nurses who helped show us how things were done. We learned so much in our time there, but it was anything but easy to have your newborn wheeled away after delivery. There were tears, stress, but a whole lot of joy every time my husband and I walked into that NICU to see our boy. He was always so energetic from day one with a sense of adventure in his eyes, ready to conquer the day.
The day we drove him home from the NICU was one of the best days of my life. I was eagerly waiting each day he was in there for the nurses to say we could bring him home. It was a total of five days that he spent in the NICU.
It’s amazing to see how far he’s come in his three years. Being known as what’s called a ‘COVID’ baby has not slowed him down one bit. He was born right before things started shutting down. I was shocked at how social he was when restrictions finally lifted. He’d go up to everyone and say ‘hi’, smiling from ear to ear. He’s my little social butterfly, and we call him our wild child as he’s always so full of energy and doing something. If there is too much quiet in our house, we know our boys, especially Logan, are getting into something.
One thing about our little guy is he is one of the most musical little boys I’ve ever met. We do a lot of dance parties and singing in our house and that’s probably his most favourite thing to do — dance.
So, as my little man turns three today, we will celebrate and show him that he will always be loved. We will dance, sing and have a great time celebrating the big three. Happy Birthday my son!