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Horticulture group begins new year

By Mary Burrows

The Rimbey Horticulture Group held their annual meeting at the Drop-In Centre recently.

Election of the executive was the first item on the agenda. Elected were: president Jody Bignell, vice-president Mary Burrows, secretary Kathy Sarson and treasurer Grace Den Engelsen.

Conveners for sections of the show include: vegetables and fruit, Jody Bignell; quilts and thread arts, Judy Frayn; miscellaneous crafts and culinary arts, Kathy Sarson. Other conveners will be appointed at our next meeting in March when we will be having a potluck supper and silent auction.

The group is making some changes to the show booklet regarding classes and awards. For the members who were not at the meeting, please give your input and ideas at the March meeting.

The annual Horticulture and Craft Show is Aug. 20 for judging, and Aug. 21 for public viewing.

Anyone who is interested in joining the Rimbey Horticultural Group is invited to come and join members at their potluck supper. We will be having a guest speaker on what else — gardening. Please contact 843-2076 for more information.