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Drug Information Session about the prevalence of illegal drugs in the community

Drug Information Session about the prevalence of illegal drugs in the community

Students Against Drinking and Driving (SADD) Donation

Students Against Drinking and Driving (SADD) Donation

Huge equipment auction conducted by Allen B. Olson Auction Services

Huge equipment auction conducted by Allen B. Olson Auction Services

Spring blood donor clinic

The most recent blood donor clinic was okay, but they certainly could have used a few more donors. They collected 83 units. It was nice to see the first-timers and we hope they will continue to donate.

Rimbey 4-H MultiClub report

The Rimbey 4-H Club has had a lot of activities going on in the past few months.

Former area resident, student returns to Rimbey for upcoming book signing

A former Rimbey resident has written a fiction novel loosely based on her family, life experiences and horses.
4-H District and Regional Public Speaking competition

4-H District and Regional Public Speaking competition

The Crestomere School has been the scene of two public speaking competitions in March.

Rimbey Municipal Library report

The Rimbey Library was a very busy and exciting place during the last week in March.

Breton RCMP Detachment – Winfield, Buck Lake, Alder Flats report

The Breton RCMP responded to 15 calls over the past week.

Warm Weather Advisory - spring ice is rotten ice

With the warm weather of recent weeks, the spring ice season has begun.