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Home Routes Tour stopping in Rimbey next month

Andrina Turenne heads to Rimbey Feb. 7 to perform as part of the series.
Andrina Turenne performs on Feb. 7 at the Beatty Heritage House as part of the ongoing Home Routes concert series. (Olivia Perillo photo)

For a few months throughout the year, the popular Home Routes Tour makes a stop in Rimbey at the Beatty Heritage House Society, bringing in performers from across the country.

The concert series is put on through a non-profit organization in Winnipeg called Home Routes, and they put on several circuits.

"We're part of the Northern Alberta concert series," said Teri Ormberg, who is part of the Beatty Heritage House Society and helps organize the event in Rimbey.

Winnipeg-based Artist Andrina Turenne will take the stage on Feb. 7 at the Beatty Heritage House to perform at 7:30 p.m. She will be stopping in Rocky Mountain House the day before, along with other stops in the Northern Alberta region.

There are usually five or six concerts in the series, with two more coming up in Rimbey in March and April, with a different performer each time.

"The idea is that it's to be in your home. The host usually bills them for the night and provides them supper and breakfast in the morning," said Ormberg.

She added that because the Beatty Heritage House is a society, they take turns hosting the artist, and sometimes they aren't always members doing the hosting. Sometimes, the people who attend the concerts are willing to host the artist for the night.

The artist will come out in the afternoon to the town they are performing in, set up, have supper at the host's home, perform their concert and have breakfast before heading out to their next stop.

The show provides more of an intimate concert setting for those looking to watch a performance in their hometown.

Ormberg said they will have snacks and beverages at the Beatty House during the concert.

"The artists like it when they can visit with people too, so we try and make it a fun night."

All funds raised from the concert go to the artist. Artist Taylor Abrahamse will take the stage in March.