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Church board thanks town for host recycling forum

Dear Town Council:

Thank you for providing the venue for the recycling meeting held Oct. 22. Also, thank you to the mayor for his input and to the councillors who showed interest by attending. We were gratified to see that about 100 people from the town and surrounding county area attended the meeting. And we were also pleased that so many people participated in the discussion.

Our understanding of the questions and discussion identified the following points:

• there was a high level of interest from town and county residents to expand the town’s existing program of recycling. (Experts indicated that, although markets fluctuate, there is a market for cardboard, paper and tin.)

• there appeared to be a willingness from the town and county residents in attendance to bear some additional financial responsibility for further recycling projects.

• there was a feeling of urgency to do something now.

• even though the proposed ethanol plant was not the intended focus of the meeting, there were many unanswered questions regarding this project.

As a result of the meeting, we recommend the following:

• that town council revisit the issue of cardboard and tin recycling and that information relative to other successful recycling program models be gathered.

• that town council bolster the Lions Club’s effort in paper recycling with specific attention to updating the current program and addressing manpower issues (employee/volunteers).

• that town council use a survey company to measure town residents’ interest and commitment to additional recycling. We would be pleased to recommend people to assist council with the wording of such a survey.

• that town council approach the county council to conduct a similar survey.

• that town council hold a public meeting in the near future regarding the proposed ethanol plant.

- that town council establish a committee to implement the above recommendations. At the Oct. 22 meeting, a number of people left their names indicating an interest in further action regarding recycling issues. Some of these people may be willing to participate in such a committee.

Rimbey United Church Board