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Keep it holy

Dear Editor:

Regarding the ad in the Jan. 25 issue reminding us to keep Sunday holy, let me share a few facts.

The Bible says, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God...” (Exodus 20:8-10, King James Version.)

This commandment was given by God to Moses for the Hebrews, however, long before the Jews existed, God himself rested on the seventh day and blessed it. (Genesis 2:2)

As for which day is the sabbath, the Bible clearly points it out in Luke 23:54-56 and 24:1. The women who helped bury Jesus “rested according to the commandment.” Even the Lord rested, too, for he rose Sunday morning. If Jesus wanted his followers to honor Sunday as the sabbath, why did they rest on Saturday?

The biblical rest day is Saturday and no passage in the Bible proves that a change has ever been made. History, however, tells us that a Roman emperor, Constantine (4th century A.D.) adopted the pagan “day of the sun” as the day of worship to unite his empire. The choice then, is between Saturday, blessed by God and supported by Scripture or Sunday, made holy by man and sanctified by tradition.

FYI, there are over 15 million Sabbath-keeping Christians worldwide among more than 25 denominations and hundreds of independent congregations.

M. Foucher
