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Submitter urges public to support Hoadley Hall before it’s too late

Dear Editor, Twelve years ago, when I moved out west of Hoadley, I was very impressed with the newly expanded Hoadley Hall and the various activities that went on there.

Dear Editor,

Twelve years ago, when I moved out west of Hoadley, I was very impressed with the newly expanded Hoadley Hall and the various activities that went on there. One of these was Bingo, which was held on two Mondays each month from September to May.

Long-time residents tell me the bingos have been played there for at least 25 to 30 years. Now, due to a lack of interest and players, Hoadley bingos may be coming to an end as of this May.

What a shame that something that has been a part of a community for so long, should end.

I’m sure that no one (I know I don’t) goes to Hoadley bingos with the idea of a big win. We don’t have satellite bingos, and the returns are smaller, but this is a social event where we can visit and catch up with what’s new with our neighbours.

It’s a night out to support our community and our hall. Oh sure, when the Bonanza and Lucky Seven pots get big (sometimes up to or over $1,000), our crowds certainly get big too. But please folks, come out to bingos more often, bring a friend or neighbour and enjoy what a community gathering has to offer before it’s too late and all we can say then is, “I should have…”

Sandy Baker Anderson

Bluffton, Alta.