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Thumbs up, thumbs down to provincial Conservative MLA’s re: electric cars

Dear Editor,

I would like to give kudos to MLA Doug Elinski for convincing the Alberta Legislature to support a motion calling on the province to license low-speed electric vehicles for use on city streets (Edmonton Journal 21/04).

Unfortunately (but predictably) Minister of Transportation Luc Oulette is not impressed. He dismisses the vehicles as "glorified golf carts" that should be confined to campuses and gated communities.

What Oulette does not understand is that consumers want to make a shift to a more responsible way of getting around. While electric vehicles such as the Canadian-made Zenn may not be suitable for rural Albertans, they are a potential boon for urban dwellers who use vehicles over relatively short distances. These electric vehicles are normally charged at night when demand for electric power is at its lowest. In larger numbers, they would alleviate much of the congestion on city streets and take far less parking space and reduce carbon emissions.

It is heartening to see an Albertan MLA (especially a Conservative) recognize that a shift in transportation policy is necessary. It is unfortunate, however, that our minister of transportation still doesn't get it. If he were a 'true' conservative, he would understand the market is the best place to test the idea of change. More and more Canadians are seeing the value in downsizing their lifestyles and being more environmentally responsible. This new awareness will make itself apparent in the marketplace.

To Doug Elinski, good for you, To Minister Oulette, get onboard with change, or get out of the way.

William Munsey,

deputy leader

Green Party of Alberta