Rimbey Family and Community Support Services (FCSS) is pleased to announce the launch of a service pin recognition program to honour the contribution of our volunteers. The efforts of these volunteers make Rimbey and surrounding areas a great place to live. Each year, we will be presenting service pins in 5-year increments.
A ceremony on April 19 recognized an astounding 751 years of volunteer service provided by current volunteers. Of those volunteers, 580 years were represented by volunteers with over 5 years of service and as much as 35 years of service by one individual.
The time donated ranged from a few impactful hours a year to the dedication of invaluable leadership volunteers. Volunteer opportunities include special event support, a friendly regular visit with a neighbour, service on the emergency response team, Board work, help with the Food Bank or caregiver and childhood grief support. And that just names a few of the opportunities. The work done is varied and so valuable to making the community and families strong. We express a sincere thank you to all our volunteers. We could not do this work without you!
Founded in 1982, Rimbey FCSS began as a small group of like-minded individuals who wanted to make a positive impact in their community. Since then, it has grown into a thriving organization that impacts our community. This work, largely completed by volunteers, creating a welcoming community where people are safe, secure, content, and healthy.
FCSS offers a variety of activities and events for our community, including volunteer opportunities, social events and educational programs. Our goal is to provide something for everyone and create a sense of belonging for all.
If you are interested in joining our volunteer team, contact Heather Gray at (403) 843-2030 or heather.gray@rimbeyfcss.com.