There was discussion at the Oct. 23 Bentley council meeting about the transfer station area location and the effect of the new service road because of the new highway bypass. The need for better recycling was mentioned. Phil Lodermeir, manager for the Lacombe Regional Solid Waste Authority, was in attendance.
A drainage concern on 53 Avenue brought forward by private citizens will be re-accessed next spring.
Town to levy franchise fee
At the Oct. 9 regular meeting council moved to approve a 10 per cent electric distribution franchise fee. Bentley had historically held the line with no increase in the past. For 2013 Fortis Alberta will now charge a 10 per cent fee, noted on each customer’s bill, and will collect it for the town. It is projected it will give the town close to $50,000 in revenue for general funds and to put into reserves. It was felt the impact on customer’s bills would be small — averaging less than $5 a month per average bill and therefore less than $60 annually.
Council recently passed a motion to borrow $930,852 in the short term to help finance their share of the cost of the new emergency services building.
Council supports Generals
The town is looking forward to helping the Bentley Generals host the Allan Cup in Red Deer and is sponsoring the first game. They are finding out what a sponsor will receive in return.
To help the Bentley Generals hockey team, the town has been forgiving the advertising fees owed to the town by signage in the arena that was collected by the Generals. It amounted to about $4,300 in 2009/10, about $6,200 in 2010/11, again for 2011/12 of about $6,250 and again was forgiven for the same amount for this season. The practice will be re-evaluated before the 2013/14 season.
Updates from other agencies
The town continues to receive updates from the Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) regarding complaints received on their phone line concerning hog odour in town. The phone number is 1-866-383-6722.
The town also receives monthly enforcement reports from Lacombe County enforcement regarding fines and tickets, complaints, and hours of actual enforcement.
To keep up to date on town meetings, bylaws and happenings, visit the town’s website at or check in with staff at the town office.
Few committee changes
At the Bentley town council organizational meeting there were few changes, with councillors continuing on the committees they have been on previously. Sandra Smyth was again sworn in as deputy mayor.
Regular meeting times and dates and signing authorities remained unchanged.