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Lacombe County declares state of local agricultural disaster

Staff and submitted

Poor growing conditions throughout the area led Lacombe County councilors to declare a state of agricultural disaster at their regular meeting held on Thursday, June 25.

“Producers are faced with hardships created by some of the lowest soil moisture conditions in recent history,” said Keith Boras, manager of Environmental and Protective Services. “When you couple this with the lack of growing season precipitation and a frost-shortened growing season, you can see the difficult position area farmers are facing.”

According to a statement released by the County, hay yields are expected to be severely reduced and many pastures are exhibiting symptoms of serious stress and as a result, their carrying capacities have been greatly reduced. Cereal and oilseed crops are also experiencing stresses and are likely to also have yields greatly reduced.

With the declaration, the County is encouraging the federal and provincial governments to expedite their respective disaster services programs.