Last week the Rimbey RCMP responded to 43 complaints, consisting mostly of collisions and other driving related offences.
Mounties investigate old sex case
Rimbey RCMP are investigating a historic sexual assault on a child, and a separate child abuse file. Police with the assistance of partner agencies are offering assistance to the victims and their families.
Senior caught driving while suspended
A member of the Rimbey RCMP was off duty at a community event and noticed a man who had recently been convicted of impaired driving, drive to the event. The officer was aware the man was suspended from driving as a result of that conviction. Upon returning to duty, the officer arrested the man and impounded his vehicle for 30 days. A 67-year-old resident of Rimbey is facing a criminal charge of driving while suspended. The usual punishment for this offence is 30 days in jail.
In a rush to get caught
A 20-year-old resident of Edmonton, who had just finished working in the Rimbey area, was in a hurry to get back to the big city. This Edmontonian felt it would be a good idea to pass a fully marked police car that was doing the speed limit. This of course resulted in the man being stopped. A search of the vehicle garnered a seizure of drugs and open liquor. He was issued a 24-hour licence suspension and his vehicle was impounded. This man now has a court-ordered trip back to Rimbey to answer to his criminal charges.
Back to jail for parole violator
A 50-year-old Rimbey man on parole was required to check into the detachment and abstain from drinking liquor. On Oct. 26 this man had a tough decision to make: either not show up to check in or check in and risk being caught for drinking liquor. He chose to drive to the detachment and check in and the fact he was drinking was immediately detected by members of the detachment. This man was sent back to jail for his parole violation and has also been charged with failing to provide a breath sample. His vehicle was impounded and his licence suspended indefinitely.
Full moon fever
Not everyone was being festive at a local bar’s Halloween party, a large brawl erupted, fortunately no one was hurt, or at least their injuries couldn’t be seen through their costumes.
Landlord assaulted
RCMP charged a 30-year-old Rimbey resident with assault, stemming from an incident in which he attacked his landlord who was serving him paperwork.
Drive for the conditions
The change in weather has brought numerous reports of collision and vehicles going off the road. The RCMP is reminding everyone to slow down and drive with caution, as poor driving conditions can come and go just like the weather. It is recommended motorists invest in winter tires and slow down.
If you have any information on these or any other crimes, please call the Rimbey RCMP at (403) 843-2224 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477, #8477 on Telus Mobility or *8477 on Rogers AT&T.
Crime Stoppers is a community program that does work. Do your part and call now.