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School principal wants town to look at fixing up the tennis courts

Rimbey town council has replaced the nets and repaired the fence around the tennis courts, and may look at more renovations later.

Rimbey town council has replaced the nets and repaired the fence around the tennis courts, and may look at more renovations later.

Council, at its regular meeting Mon., May 26 heard a request from Rimbey high school principal Tim Lekas to fix up the tennis courts which he said are in poor condition.

“The lines on the courts have faded significantly and need to be repainted and the practice wall is damaged and requires removal,” he said.

He noted the post cranks are difficult to use and may need to be replaced, the asphalt surface is uneven with grass growing up through the cracks and a new practice wall needs to be installed,” he said.

“The tennis courts are used extensively in the spring and fall for physical education classes at the school, meeting the needs of our 350 plus students. We believe that these tennis courts are an amenity that our town should preserve and maintain.”

Lekas told council that representatives of the school and Wolf Creek Public Schools would be open to having the courts moved to the school grounds.

However, he said maintenance and costs involved in moving the courts would be the responsibility of the town.

“Wolf Creek School Division doesn’t have funds to do that.”

A suggestion by Coun. Jack Webb to have the lines painted will be discussed at council’s June 23 meeting.