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Drugstore owners worry about future after drug prices slashed

Rimbey drugstore owners are in shock over the government’s decision to slash the cost of generic drugs

Town will see MSI funding decreased

A slowly declining population, and not the dollar figure set by the provincial budget,

Wildrose criticizes Tories for overregulation of pharmacies

Government overregulation and mismanagement will lead to the closure of rural pharmacies and the loss of crucial health services

County undecided about funding Rimbey library and racetrack

Further decisions among Ponoka County councillors on funding Rimbey’s Municipal Library have been shelved for a later date.

Budget meeting April 3

The public will have an opportunity to review the town’s draft budget at a meeting to be held April 3 at the Rimbey Community Centre.

Cougar sightings becoming more frequent

The Rimbey RCMP had a steady week responding to incidents of domestic violence, frauds, thefts and other serious matters.

County to participate in drainage plan

Council has been requested to renew Ponoka County’s membership in Ponoka’s Airport Commission

Provincial education budget gives and takes

Wolf Creek Public Schools took some blows with cuts in the provincial budget, but some areas

Renal dialysis group waits for response from inquiry

A Rimbey group has taken their concerns about rural patients who travel for dialysis in front of a formal inquiry

Opposing views to closure of dispatch centre

An Associated Ambulance official and Rimbey’s fire chief have opposing views