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Petition demands reviewed library deal

Differences in philosophies continue as a petition regarding the sale of the library and town office’s relocation circulates in town.

Charges laid, farm animals dead

Rimbey RCMP handled 35 investigations last week. Highlights of the week include fraud, motor vehicle collisions, theft and other

Business owners support creation, local government auditor general

With municipal government officials from across Alberta gathering in Edmonton Feb. 14

Alberta cancer rates trend downward

The rate at which Albertans are being diagnosed with cancer, or dying from the disease, is continuing to decrease

County council appoints new PAECS members

County councillors debated over who should be the next member of the Ponoka Ag Event Centre Society (PAECS)

Town gains new assets

In a recent deal with Alberta Transportation, the Town of Rimbey has purchased the Rimbey Airport for $1.

Library expansion deal met with negative review

In the wake of town council selling the municipal side of the town’s administration building to the Rimbey Library Board for $1

Rezone decision delayed

The rezoning application for a parcel of land and the BRIX area structure plan on the southeast corner of Rimbey

Bentley population growth slow and steady

A Parkland Community Planning Services study undertaken for the town was presented to Bentley town council at their Feb.12 meeting.

Rimbey group advocates better dialysis care

It’s been five years in the making, and although the Rimbey and District Renal Dialysis Group didn’t begin with the goal