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Attractive town logo is not enough

I can remain silent no longer about one particular issue in this town.

Dear Editor,

I can remain silent no longer about one particular issue in this town. In the Rimbey Review Sept. 22, 2015, CAO Donna Tona was quoted re: the new town logo that it “should convey a message.” In the same article she also said “what do we want to attract? Right now we are attracting nothing. Why would people want to come here?” My question is: Did it work? I would think not.

Do we really want to attract people to our town? The Welcome to Rimbey sign at the intersection of 50th Avenue and Highway20 with the four big, brown, ugly, rusted spotlights doesn’t exactly invite people to drive into town. Can it not be made more attractive to show the highway traffic that goes by that we take pride in welcoming people to Rimbey?

However, when they get to the town office to check out the town, what would they find? The condition of the outside walkway and front patio is totally unacceptable with weeds, garbage, dirt and cigarette butts everywhere, in every corner. How does that attract people to this town and what message does that convey to anyone who wants to consider living or working in Rimbey? Now a good one. Please do something to improve this and show us that the town officials take pride in our town I know the logo doesn’t do it.


Penny Giebelhaus