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Christmas in July is a thing for me

Being prepared with shopping before the chaos of the holidays
Carlie Sanderson

Christmas is my favourite time of the year. I've always just loved the holidays with decorating, baking and amazing music. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the summer and am in no rush for Christmas and that chilly weather, but this is the time I do start thinking about the holidays a little bit.

I'm one of those people that does most of my Christmas shopping now. I know it's five months away, but Amazon Prime Days was this month and that's a mom's time to shine in my opinion. It's the time to get prepared for the wild ride of fall with back to school, sports and sicknesses. I also do the rest of my Christmas shopping and birthday shopping on Black Friday. I'm a mom who is all about the deals and avoiding huge crowds and the stressful part of the holidays!

Some may roll their eyes but I think it's smart to be prepared now and it makes it even more exciting for us parents as it's so far out that when Christmas is here we look in that storage cabinet and think, 'oh yeah, I forgot we got that!' It makes it more of a surprise factor for us too when we go to wrap. I just love seeing all the things we got the boys in the storage room.

It's not just Christmas I like to get prepared for, it's also birthdays. All my boys are winter babies with birthdays in early December, January and February. Not to mention my birthday is also in February, so it's non-stop around the holidays and I like to be prepared.

We've got a pre-Christmas party, if you will, for our middle child, a New Year's Day birthday for our youngest and an after-holiday party for my oldest. Next year will be a big one for him as he's turning five! We will probably throw a party with all of his friends as he will be at that age then too! Usually we just stick with family, cousins, etc., but we'll branch out to friends now too as he's got quite a few and will be sure to acquire more in his second year of preschool! 

Anyways, that's my reasoning for Christmas in July. I guess I should call it shopping month. The best purchase we made in July was that year we bought a robot vacuum (life changing if you own a dog!) Whether you prepare for the holidays now or later, don't forget to treat yourself too! Happy shopping.