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MLA Anglin requested to explain information

In reference to a recent letter in the Rimbey Review from Florence Stemo.

Dear Editor

In reference to a recent letter in the Rimbey Review from Florence Stemo.

I am not a resident of the town of Rimbey and I shall not comment on the present or past mayors. However I am a resident of the Ponoka County and the subject of the proposed seniors’ facility is also a county issue.

Joe Anglin is also my MLA representative.

The fall out and confusion of the alleged misinformation presented to the mayor elect by Mr. Anglin should be borne by Mr. Anglin. I request MLA Joe Anglin to step up to the plate and explain his actions. He does boast accountability, doesn’t he? I am not defending the new mayor of Rimbey but let’s not shoot the messenger. We need to go to the alleged source of the misleading information.

Aubrey Finnen