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Not allowing pets can be heartless

What is wrong with these landlords, are they that heartless that they don’t allow small pets?

Dear Editor:

What is wrong with these landlords, are they that heartless that they don’t allow small pets?

Just because some people can’t and won’t clean up after their pets it doesn’t mean everyone is a slob and not everyone works in the oil patch and not everyone makes that kind of money to pay high rents. How heartless and greedy can you get? You are putting people and children out on the streets because of your greed. Shame on you.

We live in Canada, there is no reason for anyone to have a to live on the streets unless they choose to be there. How do landlords hold their heads up knowing they are letting people and children live on the streets? Are you that heartless and greedy?

Just remember one thing, it could be you next and how would you like knowing you might not be able to afford high-priced rent someday? How would you feel that it might be you who will have to pay such high rent that you can’t afford to buy food? Or if you have a pet that you’ve had for years and is a part of your family and now you have to get rid of your family member. I really hope you all really think about it the next time you tell someone no pets or that paying 90 per cent of what you make goes on paying your rent.

S. Hill