Something I have learned since having kids is that time is a precious thing. Sometimes there really isn’t enough hours in the day to get stuff done. Naps are something I have really counted on to get me through my days, but if the kids don’t nap, it can be a long day.
Lately, both of my kids have been fighting sleep, and when you have a one-year-old and an almost three-year-old, it can be tough.
I find that since having kids, time is constantly an issue. There is either too much time in the day, or most often, not enough time in the day to get things done.
I’m somebody that always has to be doing something. I do really well with tasks that are put in front of me to tackle, but throwing kids in that mix presents a challenge sometimes.
I used to think being a stay-at-home mom looked relaxing to get to be home with your kids, but that is definitely not the case. I can honestly say I haven’t relaxed in a long time!
Moms wear so many different hats. You are the cook, the cleaner, the chauffeur, the doctor for those boo boos and falls, the teacher and much more. I can honestly say it’s taken me a long time to fall into the groove, as sometimes there just isn’t a groove to fall into and your day can be turned upside down at any time.
Time as a mom is a funny thing. I always tell people, ‘the days are long, but the years are short.’ I couldn’t think of a truer statement. Being a mom has been the greatest joy of my life, but time has always been a challenge.
When your husband works long hours and you don’t have a ton of friends out here, the days can be long, but when you are looking through those cute photos of your kids as babies on your phone, you can often wonder, ‘where did the time go?’ It’s flown by for me. I can’t believe I have an almost three-year-old and that my youngest is 13 months old! It’s gone by so fast, but also slow. I love that I get to be home with them and watch them grow and learn new things every day. The days are slow sometimes, but I don’t take the time for granted ever. I love it. Looking back I can know that I was there every step of the way, even on those slow or boring days.
So, while the days are long, the years are short and it’s so important to be in the moment. I’ve also realized that it really is the little things in life that can be so special. A laugh straight from the belly, a bunch of hugs when you are down and the beautiful sound of the word, ‘mama’ said all day long. I love those little moments that mean so much.