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Here’s the first half of another top-ten list you’ll never see on David Letterman

But this past week we received a letter to the editor that is one of the most insightful and poignant contribution to the letters page in light of the fact that another Canadian was killed recently in the conflict in Afghanistan, and I highly recommend you read it.

“Here’s hoping the Alberta Advantage applies equally to all residents of the province”

So, has anyone found that elusive Alberta Advantage yet? Me either.

“As for the rest of us, even though we’re in, it still feels like we’re on the outside looking in.”

Seeing as how it’s been so warm and sunny the past little while, I’ve decided to slither out from under my rock and enjoy some of this wonderful spring-like weather. Besides, I’m still on the hunt for something that has become very elusive even though I’ve looked everywhere for it.

Forget the quotes, here’s some stuff that really doesn’t matter

Based on the rather dubious content you read in this space each week – or not, you’ll probably find this hard to believe, but without a doubt, the most taxing part of this job is coming up with ideas for editorials each week.

Drag strip donation could be good news/bad news for others seeking government funding

Are you an Angel or a Devil; a Cowboy or an Indian; a Red or a Blue?

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of the Canadian NHL teams