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Spartans Red B Volleyball Team photo.

Spartans Red B Volleyball Team photo.

Tri-County Riding Club Show results – Oct. 4, 2008

Halter – Horse and Handler: Leadline – 1st Avery Black, 2nd Hayden Black. Junior “A” – 1st Amy Delorme, 2nd Jessica Dalke.
Rimbey Boxing Club photo

Rimbey Boxing Club photo

Spartans advance to semi-finals following win over Drayton Valley

Spartans advance to semi-finals following win over Drayton Valley

With a combination of some lengthy offensive plays and some stingy defense, the Rimbey Spartans football team have advanced beyond the first round of playoffs following a 50-36 win over the Drayton Valley Frank Maddock Warriors last Thursday afternoon.

Tri-County Riding Club Show results – Buck Lake Stampede Grounds, Sat., Sept. 13

Showmanship (Helter): Leadline – 1st Hayden Black. Junior “A” - 1st Brayden Regnier, 2nd Amy Delorme. Junior “B” – 1st Jane Maciborski, 2nd Misty-Anne Larsson, 3rd Chelsea Nichols, 4th Gernald Schenk. Adult – 1st Maria Champagne, 2nd Linda Black, 3rd Sherry Tweedle, 4th Jannie Wallman. Senior – 1st Commie Kluczny, 2nd Elaine Regnier, 3rd Ruth Maciborski, 4th Angela Larsson.
Last-minute heroics secure playoff spot for Rimbey Spartans

Last-minute heroics secure playoff spot for Rimbey Spartans

It came down to the final minute, but thanks to pulling a rabbit out of the hat, the Rimbey Spartans have secured at least third place and will be hosting a semi-final playoff game after defeating the Ponoka Broncs 38-32 last Wednesday afternoon.
Young Rimbey-area rodeo star making a name for herself as champion barrel racer

Young Rimbey-area rodeo star making a name for herself as champion barrel racer

A young rodeo star from Rimbey is making quite a name for herself following two very impressive wins recently.
Photo of the Rimbey Spartans High School football team

Photo of the Rimbey Spartans High School football team

Bentley female hockey player to compete at national championships

Bentley female hockey player to compete at national championships

A Bentley-trained female hockey player will be representing Alberta at the national championships to be played this November in Napanee, Ontario.
New coach anticipates productive season out of Rimbey Rock

New coach anticipates productive season out of Rimbey Rock

While the Rimbey Rock are getting adjusted to their new general manager – that being Greg Conway, they’re also getting to their new bench boss Lloyd Cox who has taken over the head coaching duties from Derek Sweet-Coulter who left the team at the end of last season.