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Bluffton 4-H club holds retreat


Bluffton West 4-H Beef Club

Our 4-H club continues to have a year of fun and learning. The Ben Crane Fundraiser on Nov. 27 was a huge success. Ben Crane was very entertaining and funny. The Hoadley Ladies served a delicious meal. We had a great time. We will be donating $1,000 of the money raised from the event to the Ronald McDonald House.

We continue to learn the bovine parts by doing mad parts quizzes at our meetings.

We held our club tobogganing party on Dec. 26 at Von Gunten’s hill. We had snowmobiles to pull us up and a nice warm fire to sit by. It was a blast.

We had a club retreat at the Alberta 4-H Centre on Jan. 2 and 3. There was snowshoeing, games, public speaking workshop and a cattle handling workshop. On Jan. 3 we had a stock dog demonstration. We were split up into teams to see who could get the sheep through the obstacle course the fastest. The kids did great but the dogs were a bit better. We had an awesome time.

Remember that beef gives you ZIP - zinc, iron and protein. If you would like some beef for your freezer this spring, there will be some great steers for sale on May 16.