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Bluffton 4-Hers give public speeches

By Ben Trenson, Club Reporter Bluffton West 4-H Beef Club The Bluffton West 4-H Beef Club continues to have an awesome year. On Jan. 22, several members went to the Camrose Bull Congress for the judging sessions. We also had a treasure hunt in the trade show area. We held our club public speaking Feb. 6. Here are the results: Juniors: 1, Sylvia Trautman, 2, Leah Trenson, 3, Josie Burrage, 4, Mackenzie Skeels. Intermediate: 1, Ben Trenson, 2,Clinton Steeves, 3,Heidi Trenson, 4, Kaiden Eadie. Senior: 1, Michelle VonGunten, 2, Jill Tennant, 3, Wyatt Tennant, 4, Sylvia VonGunten. Thank you to judges Rose Anderson, Emily Steeves, Frisco Beeren, Jay Cottell, Erin Steeves, Linda Christiansen, Lysbeth Peter, Kathy Jaffray, and Kathy Richards for coming out and taking the time to judge our speeches. On Feb. 10 some of the members of our club went on a ski/snowboard trip to Rabbit Hill. It was a blast. West Central Multi species judging was held at Lakedell on Feb. 12. Some of the classes judged were alpacas, beef heifers, dairy cows, horses, photography, and chili. Heidi Trenson from our club placed second for intermediates. Our beef projects continue to do well as we prepare for our show and sale on May 15 and 16. Beef- delicious, nutritious.