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Bentley Community News: Bentley PAC school council meet

What used to be called the Bentley Parent School Council is now the less formalized Parent Advisory Council (PAC). The first meeting of the PAC for this term was held Tuesday, Oct. 14 at 7:15 following free pizza and juice/coffee.

What used to be called the Bentley Parent School Council is now the less formalized Parent Advisory Council (PAC). The first meeting of the PAC for this term was held Tuesday, Oct. 14 at 7:15 following free pizza and juice/coffee. Twelve people including the school principal, one assistant principal and the student’s union president were in attendance.

Due to the fact that not enough have been attending to have a quorum and thus hold an establishment meeting or hold elections to fill executive positions for the more formal school council, school administration had the option to set it up as a more informal advisory council.

New administration brings with it new ideas and foresight. New principal Mr. Lane Moore noted the Bentley School is one school housed in two buildings. It is not two separate schools and people should stop thinking of it as two schools.

He invites feedback and input and stated his desire to bolster parent involvement in the council as he considers it to be a very important asset for the school.

Parents need to decide if they want to be a formal council or an informal advisory council he said, but at this point it is too late for this term so at a later date it will again be discussed and decide what route to go in the future.

Moore chaired the meeting and offered lots of information to attendees and offered some insight into what he envisions for the school.

He has ideas about how to promote the school and make it more appealing and safe, including both inside and out. Removal of the old chain barriers, developing the space where the old portable classrooms used to sit in front of the Jr./Sr. High School building, and removing old dying trees might be some projects.

New administration has noted that school buses arrive at the school around 8:25 a.m. and classes do no commence until 8:50 a.m. allowing lots of free time for students. Starting classes sooner and maybe dismissing earlier was discussed. Possible adjustments could be made for next year if parents agree.

For safety reasons, pylons now block the bus lane road while students are loading, so take note, there are no vehicles allowed through on the roadway at that time.

The possibility of having the school become a “Nut Free” and “Odour Free” facility and how to implement it was discussed.

Parent surveys asking for input will be distributed and collected.

The format of the traditional annual Jr./Sr. High School Snowball Christmas program and of the elementary school Christmas concert were discussed.

Staffing, including teachers and all other support staff, takes about 92 per cent of current funding so a strong parent group could be a valuable volunteer body to draw from and could help raise funds for specific projects.

Actual enrollment numbers were down slightly from projected numbers with 342 students currently enrolled in Bentley’s K to Grade 12.

Positive experiences of children now attending Bentley School were expressed by some of the newcomers.

The next PAC meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 18 at 8 p.m. in the Jr./Sr. High School library. It is open, and all interested are invited. Come hear what is happening and what is being considered for the future of Bentley School.

Bentley curlers getting ready to rock

The Bentley Curling Club held their annual general fall meeting on Oct. 15.

Bonspiel dates and fees were set. Criteria for the Open Mixed Bonspiel, formerly called the Town and Country Mixed Bonspiel, held in March that traditionally marks the close of the season was established. Discussion about a formula for bonspiel spending was discussed and will be researched more.

A motion was made that door prizes for bonspiels were for curler only and that the winner had to be in attendance at the banquet to get it.

Fees were left the same as last year. Memberships were accepted and the number of confirmed teams so far was noted.

Establishment and the format of a junior league was discussed.

They are applying for a $15,000 CFEP grant to help pay for improvements done to the facility including tinning higher up on the inside, and plastic ice liners for each sheet that will do away with the need to paint the ice and its circles and lines. The club will match the grant with $15,000 of its own.

To help keep the ice cleaner rubber matting will replace the carpet that used to be at the ends of the rink.

Drink prices in the lounge will go up by basically 25 cents per drink.

Icemaker Bryan Sautner is returning, as is lounge manager Colleen Peterson along with a new helper.

The club hosted a casino in Red Deer on Oct. 3 and 4 and are anticipating getting over $20,000.

Work bees will be held to do a general clean-up, wax floors, and install the new plastic ice liners.

The club had been presented with a banner and framed picture to hang in the club as a means of acknowledging the club’s support of the 2008 Provincial Junior Women’s Championship team that had a former Bentley junior member, Jenn Liner, playing third, and the team’s accomplishments. The banner was sponsored, purchased, and donated to the club by Bryce and Carol McLachlan and Larry Bergen.

A new director, Lynda Petten, joins president Harvey Brink, treasurer Gord Mydland, and directors Doris Leach Cecil Galloway, Martin Wilson, Norm Rieu, Dwight Homan and Colin Scholze on the executive. Gail Wilson acted as secretary.

Winner of the draw for the 50 percent off membership fee for the season by attending the meeting and paying up was Marilyn Lutwick.