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Sick season is brutal this year

Carlie Sanderson

Anyone else have a cough they just can’t kick? I’ve been sick for what feels like months, but really it’s been about a month. What started with a common cold and sore throat, turned into a cough for weeks that still hasn’t gone away. Just when I thought I was getting better, I got much worse and have stayed the same. I’m going to blame a weakened immune system due to pregnancy. When you are eight months pregnant with two young kids it can definitely take you down.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of medicine you can take when pregnant, so rest and fluids are all you can really do to help yourself out, which is kind of tough.

My boys are also sick, so relaxing on the couch watching movies sounds like a great plan to them too, although they love building and colouring, so Duplo towers and drawing have also been getting us through.

Over the years I’ve definitely had a pretty decent immune system and haven’t been sick all that much, besides the little sniffle here and there. This is by far the sickest I’ve been in a long time! The cough just won’t budge. I’m just expecting to be sick until the baby is out at this point.

When you have a child who has started preschool, that’s a whole other ball game too. People warned me about being sick a lot more and I just shrugged it off thinking, ‘we’ve got pretty good immune systems and have socialized them lots.’ Boy was I wrong. He’s definitely been sick a lot more with a lingering cough too, but he’s in great spirits, still full of energy, which is nice to see.

Sadly, when he walks through the door, he also gets his little brother sick too, so it’s a domino effect. I’m just trying to be positive and think we will all have killer immune systems in the next year!

Being this sick reminds me of when I was in university and almost caught pneumonia. That was not fun being trapped in a tiny dorm room for a couple of days all alone. I’m grateful that I’m surrounded by my loving family for life’s sicknesses. It really does make you count your blessings in these tough times.

Not only being this sick, but having a tough pregnancy and my two energetic boys, it has also had me thinking about our future, and I think my husband and I are almost one hundred percent done having kids.

I think three boys will be more than enough. We are getting very excited to meet him and have him home to complete our family. I just can’t believe in about one month I’ll have three boys. I was never someone who was dying to be a mom or really gave it much thought about having kids. Now, I couldn’t imagine my life without them. They are my whole world and I just love being a mom. Am I tired? Yes, but it’s so worth it.

Here’s to a hopefully healthier few weeks ahead!