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That’s right tree huggers and football fans: we’re all going ‘Green’

Well readers, you should have known that it would only be a matter of time before things took a decidedly ‘Green’ turn here on the editorial page, and depending on what kind of ‘Green’ you’re into, it could be good news or bad news. Either way, this week’s topic has something to do with you. First: the good news…

Goodbye surplus policy, we hardly knew ya!

Putting aside the merits – or lack thereof – of carbon-capture technology and public transit, the provincial government’s recent commitment to spend $4-billion on these projects signals an important reversal of government policy and the return to ad hoc spending.

Let’s have three cheers for our real Canadian Members of Parliament!

If you’re reading this column, chances are you’re not a child or a teenager; in fact you’re probably not even in your 20s either. Generally, the younger ones got better things to do then read about more whining and complaining about governments and other such stuff. And that’s a good thing – at least it is in this case. If you happen to be a bit longer in the tooth, you can probably remember – because it wasn’t that long ago, when Canada was actually “cool”.

It’s time for Tory supporters to start walkin’ the walk

For the second time in the past few months, a letter to the editor – actually, in this case two letters to the editor - have prompted a further editorial. The first time it happened was in relation to the attacks of September 11, 2001, and as was the case back then, this time the comments from the public should go a long way in clearing up a bit of an issue regarding those very same letters to the editor.

Canada Day 2008 quotes: Part II

When I’m in Canada, I feel this is what the world should be like. - Jane Fonda Canada is a place of infinite promise. We like the people, and if one ever had to emigrate, this would be the destination, not the USA. The hills, lakes and forests make it a place of peace and repose of the mind, such as one never finds in the USA. - John Maynard Keynes

Canada Day 2008 quotes: Part I

In recognition of the 141st birthday of the nation of Canada and the celebrations that will be held from coast-to-coast on Tuesday, July 1, the Rimbey Review is proud to offer up some very insightful and poignant quotes on why this is the greatest nation on earth and how fortunate we all are to live in Canada. Of note, the quotes are so numerous that the only option was to divide them into two groups, the second of which will be included in our July 1 edition.

Let’s Talk Taxes: Free advice for the Premier

Dear Premier Stelmach; It has come to our attention you may need some advice on how your government should best deal with the issue of MLA compensation.

Facts and figures about D-Day: 64 years of valour, glory and sacrifice

In recognition of the 64th anniversary of the invasion of Europe by Allied forces on the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944, following are some interesting facts on D-Day, who was involved and the toll the invasion took, as the Second World War opened its final chapter. The information is provided by the Portsmouth Museums and Records Service in Portsmouth, England, home of the D-Day Museum. What does the “D” in D-Day stand for?

It’s time for Ottawa to get tough on NAFTA renegotiations

While it may appear otherwise most of the time, this newspaper – and hopefully others, does not take any amount of joy or pride in attacking a particular entity such as a government or group of people be they foreign or domestic.

Bring in the clowns because here we go again with another Dog and Pony Show

Now that I’ve just past the ten-month point of relocating to Alberta, and despite the ups and downs and the ins and outs associated with the move, it is still a bit of a difficult adjustment in coming to grips with the fact that I am now living under the thumb of two Conservative governments.