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Letter writer accuses editor of negativity

Dear Editor; Another week, another Review filled with negativity. You really have to search far and wide for your negative letters. You don’t even sign your editorials. If I were you, I wouldn’t be proud of them either. Since Saskatchewan is your first love, please don’t let us keep you from it.

Contributor questions sources of letters to the editor

Dear Editor; Isn’t the title of this paper the Rimbey Review? The Rimbey Review? I am weary of the distant and irrelevant letters to the editor from places like Regina, Sask., Princeton, Ont., and Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Wouldn’t it be dandy if the local community paper reflected local issues and not the editor’s liberal, left wing agenda? Mark Schielke

“The proposed changes to Rule 22, if adopted, will create a double standard for citizens directly and adversely affected by a proposed project,”

Dear Editor; On May 20 and 21 The Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) held meetings to review the rules pertaining to intervener costs (a.k.a. Rule 22). The meetings were announced as if it was a fairly innocuous process, designed to improve the management of intervener costs (Ref: Rule 22 consultation process at

Submitter suggests alternate route for power lines

Howdy; After the last fiasco with this new line, why not run it along the QEII? Even if they had to build a protective fence along each tower, don’t you already own the land? And won’t one corridor for everything work? I live right in Rimbey, so it doesn’t really affect me, but I hate to see clean land ruined with towers, etc. I am not too educated on why it has to be in the middle of raw land.

Contributor suggests it’s time to move out the ‘Shoot-Out’

Dear Editor, I just picked up the new Town guide to services and activities and read with great dismay that the dreaded ‘Shoot-Out’ is planned for downtown again! Mayor Barr seems determined to ignore the pleas to move this horribly noisy, air-fouling event to the racetrack where it belongs. I have already put up with this for several years and will do anything in my power to prevent it from happening here again.

Letter writer says it’s time for a raise for health care aides, LPNs

Dear Editor; I am writing about a health care issue regarding seniors. The Alberta government has been running advertisements throughout the province advising us of the shift to one large health region. The ad states that this change, “would not affect the front-line health staff. Health care services will continue to be there when and where you need it.”

Letter writer urges readers to show abandoned cats some compassion

Dear Editor; I felt compelled to write in the hopes that spay and neutering of dog and cats can help keep down the overpopulation of the above. Every spring the same old things are being said and done. Cat traps, town folks blaming the caring souls that can’t bare to see the beat up and starving strays and feed a couple in their area.

Licensed practical nurses wonder where’s the equality

Dear Editor; I am writing to you as a part of the AUPE health care workers as we are now in contract negotiations. We are licensed practical nurses, operating room technicians, orthopedic techs, dialysis assistants, health care aids, home care and mental health aids, recreation and physiotherapy aids.

PM trying to rewrite Canadian history, but has it all wrong, writes

Dear Editor; Stephen Harper was recently quoted as saying, “We are Conservatives because we love this country. We founded this federation. We created it. We’re proud of our country’s past. And we believe in its future, “ The idea that those holding his beliefs founded and created Canada needs to be challenged.

Former CHAMP urges public to view: Jeff Nicklin: Hero of the Gridiron and the Battlefield

Dear Editor; I am a Member of The War Amps Operation Legacy, in which members and graduates of the Association’s Child Amputee (CHAMP) Program help to pass the NEVER AGAIN!, message from war amputee veterans to the younger generation. With the coming D-Day anniversary on June 6th, I would like to advise of a new documentary about a Canadian hero, Jeff Nicklin.