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Letter writer wonders where exactly does the PM stand on issue of free speech

Dear Editor, The Judges of the Supreme Court of Canada wasted their time on the ‘fly in the bottle’ case they chose to hear unless it was to send this message: the lower courts ought to refrain from hearing, let alone finding in favour of litigants in such frivolous cases.

Submitter says drugs are not the answer to reducing the mental health stigma

Dear Editor, Lately I’m hearing a lot about, ‘reducing the mental health stigma’. It’s one of those terms that no one dare criticize for fear that you might be accused of being someone that wants people to have a mental health stigma.

Contributor says Harper Backroom Boys exposing themselves

Dear Editor, The Harper Backroom Boys’ election law uber-manipulation, with their wide-scale money laundering ‘in and out’ scheme, was not granted by Elections Canada because the local riding associations (all 67 of them) never had any control over the money that the National Conservative Campaign spent.

Saskatchewan submitter offers two for the price of one in attacks on PM

Dear Editor, Letter Number One below was completed and ready to post when he who has been dubbed the “Minister of Mistakes” did it again, leading to the compulsion to write letter Number Two.

“Canada has vacillated, and too often knuckled under to pressure from south of the border,” says contributor of Harper government

Dear Editor, Mr. Harper’s plan for the militarization of Canada is based upon the false premise that, “If a country wants to be taken seriously by the rest of the world, it needs to have the capacity to act [militarily]. It’s just that simple.”

Harper’s “Canada First” defense strategy is not placing Canada first, pens letter writer

Dear Editor, Prime Minister Stephen Harper statement that the first priority of our Canada First defense strategy is to strengthen our ability to protect our citizens through more and better equipment is belied by reality.

“What bonehead executive scheduled three major coal-fired facilities to be off-line during a peak month?” asks letter writer

Dear Editor; EPCOR executive Jim Oosterbann is out on the propaganda trail again to rally support for a proposed 500 KV transmission line from Edmonton to Calgary (Edmonton Journal May 22, 2008). Using the age-old fear tactic that the lights are going to go out if this line is not built; Oosterbann told the Coal Association of Canada that a lightning strike in July 2006 nearly caused a total blackout in the province.

Submitter responds to previous letter regarding “bad” kids in Rimbey

Dear Editor; In responding to the nameless (faceless) person writing about all those “bad” kids roaming the streets of Rimbey, let me start by recommending the book, In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Mate, which is available in the Rimbey Library.

Not a very Happy Mother’s Day for letter contributor after lights go missing

Dear Editor; Happy Mother’s Day to Me… Sometime late May 9th or early May 10th someone decided to help himself to my solar lights; eight of them to be exact. It really is a shame that people can no longer take pride in their property for fear of either theft or vandalism.

Mr. Harper cannot be trusted as an economic manager; he is reckless, not safe, says contributor

Dear Editor; Stephen Harper’s claim that he can be “trusted” to be a “safe” economic manager through uncertain times is a very big stretch.